How to Stop the Never-Ending Youth Exodus
Happy monday story-tellers!
This week, I want to focus on my fellow millennials.
Yes, I am one of them. But the sad truth is, so many of us who grew up in church are no longer in it! And just in case you are tempted to think I’m just peddleing the timeless youth exodus myth, allow me to share some stats from the experts:
Now here is what makes this youth exodus thing so exhausting - everyone thinks they know why they leave and how to stop it. And of course, everyone has a different opinion. Navigating through all that can be pretty annoying for those who are looking for a solid foundation.
However, there is one resource that I feel outshines every other and can offer the most balanced and wholistic perspective to this issue. Its the book “Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church” by Brad Griffin, Jake Mulder, and Kara E. Powell.
What makes this book cool is that rather than asking why young people leave, the researchers went on a journey to understand what makes them stay and the results of all their digging are these six essential keys that have proven time and time again to keep young people engaged in the kingdom of God.
In this weeks podcast, I share a recent sermon where I explore these six essential keys with one of my local churches. Give it a listen below and make sure you get yourself a copy of Growing Young from Amazon or wherever you bookshop!