Pastors, Elders & Church Leaders…
Is Your Church Stuck?
Here’s a Proven 90-Day System to Revive It—Without Wasting Time & Money on Another Guest Speaker or Exhausting Programs that Change Nothing…
Dear Adventist church leader,
If you’re sick and tired of watching your church stagnate, struggling to engage young people, or seeing little to no baptisms, this is going to be the most exciting message you’ll ever read.
Because in this 90-day bootcamp, you’ll discover a step-by-step system for reviving your local church, activating mission, and actually seeing results in discipleship, youth engagement, guest attendance, and baptisms.
In a practical, hands-on way that doesn’t require you to do all the heavy lifting, doesn’t rely on an expensive guest speaker who changes nothing, and doesn’t force you to implement some generic church growth model that doesn’t fit Adventism.
Now look…
I know that’s a bold claim that might sound too good to be true…
But after a decade of pastoring local congregations (including planting a church)—I’ve cracked the code on what actually moves the needle in Adventist churches.
Just listen to me for a minute.
Because I want to show you exactly how you can transform your church’s culture, ignite real mission, and start seeing measurable growth—without burning yourself out, fighting toxic leadership battles, or settling for the same old methods that don’t work.
And the best part? It’s designed specifically for Adventist churches—not a random megachurch model that creates division and headaches.
❌ EVEN IF your church is lost, not knowing what to do next.
❌ EVEN IF you’ve tried new programs before and nothing stuck.
❌ EVEN IF you feel exhausted from pushing mission alone.
❌ EVEN IF your young people have checked out.
❌ And EVEN IF you think your church is too small, too old, or too broke to do anything.
This works.
I’m NOT saying your church will explode overnight…
That would be ridiculous, and that’s not how revival works.
But I AM saying that if you implement what I show you, you will see your church come alive—mission, engagement, and excitement will start flowing like never before.
And once that happens, everything changes.
Your members will be energized.
Your young people will see a reason to stay.
Your church will start growing—naturally, organically, and powerfully.
But heads up,
This is NOT another sermon series or theory-based training.
If all you are looking for is another guest speaker to preach some pretty sermons that make your people say “amen” while everything stays the same—then please exit this page right now.
Because what I am offering here is NOT more theology, more philosophy, or more poetry.
I’m offering a proven system that walks you step-by-step through exactly what to do, so you can finally get real, lasting results.
Because the one thing that sets this model apart from all others is that this model is based on one key belief: that true revival isn’t something we experience through motivational sermons telling us what we already know.
True revival is grounded in scripture, absolutely!
But its also systemic.
And be honest… you don’t need more of the scripture stuff. You’ve heard all the sermons, read all the books, and shared all the Ellen White quotes with little to no change.
Because what you REALLY need isn’t more inspiration.
You need a system that moves the needle. End of story.
Allow me to introduce you to The Story Church 90-Day Revival Bootcamp…
A tangible, measurable, step by step, no-fluff system to move your church from barely staying afloat to becoming a missional powerhouse in your city.
Because properly implementing this framework practically guarantees a surge of engaged members, increased guest attendance, and a church activated for mission…
No matter what size your church is...
What kind of challenges you’re facing...
Or how many failed revival attempts you’ve had in the past!
Sounds unbelievable?
Here’s how this same exact blueprint helped me optimize and empower every local church I ever worked in without forcing me to work endless hours…
At the Livingston SDA church, this blueprint empowered a fragmented youth ministry that resulted in a youth revival explosion, leading to creative engagement, young people stepping up for leadership, and a simple 10 year plan for mission and discipleship.
At the Victoria Park SDA church, this same blueprint took a visionless church and moved them to action, resulting in 80% member engagement (up from 20%), an active discipleship pathway for new believers, and an increase in baptisms every year in the heart of one of Australia's most unchurched cities.
At the Joondalup SDA church, this exact blueprint took a small church plant that had not grown in 8 years from about 20 attendees to nearly 80, empowering mission, providing clarity and direction, as well as an active discipleship plan resulting in an increase in baptisms, member involvement and guest attendance.
At The R3 Network we grew from one small core team of 12 people to 3 teams totalling roughly 80 people in its first few years (whereas other church plants in the same state were still at 9 members 10 years after launching) and saw 90% member engagement in mission and discipleship.
I could go on and on…
But here’s the bottom line:
I’d love for you to experience this game-changing approach firsthand…
And witness its power to revive your church, activate discipleship, and finally move beyond endless planning meetings that lead nowhere…
So you can stop spinning your wheels with ineffective strategies and finally see your church come alive with purpose, mission, and growth.
If you give me just a few minutes, I'll show you exactly how this works!
So if you’re serious about seeing real, measurable transformation in your local church…
You’re gonna wanna pay close attention to what I’m about to reveal.
Because inside, I’m going to take you behind the scenes and show you EXACTLY:
What The Story Church Blueprint really is (and what it’s NOT!)
Why you CANNOT afford to ignore this if your church is stuck in decline
And how you can use it to radically shift your church’s trajectory in just 90 days
EVEN IF your church has been stagnant for years, struggling financially, or losing your young people!
You can ignore this and continue running the same programs, holding the same meetings, and expecting different results…
Or you can take the next 90 days to completely transform your church’s impact and mission—without burning out, fighting internal resistance, or relying on short-term emotional highs that fade the moment the guest speaker leaves.
Because The Story Church Blueprint isn’t just another church growth idea.
It’s a step-by-step, action-driven system that installs a sustainable, self-replicating model for mission, discipleship, and gospel impact—customized for the unique realities of the Adventist local church.
And here’s the truth:
Unless your church is already seeing rapid growth, young people actively involved, and a clear, measurable discipleship pathway that leads to real transformation—you’ve probably NEVER seen something like this before.
That’s how confident I am in this 90-day revival bootcamp.
Before we dive in, I must warn you.
This isn’t for everyone.
If your church is anti-change, locked in toxic internal conflicts, or filled with leaders who prefer tradition over mission, this won’t work for you.
I’m here to work with churches that are READY—churches that see the need for radical transformation and want a practical roadmap to make it happen.
So if you’re done with the same old, same old, pay close attention.
Because what I’m about to show you could be the most important shift your church has ever made.
I'll reveal everything in a minute, but first, let me introduce myself…
Hi, I'm Pastor Marcos…
And while I don’t like talking about myself… I also know that many of you will have important questions about who I am and why you should listen to me.
And those are perfectly good questions! So here’s a small snippet so you know I’m not just some weird guy posting stuff on the internet:
✅ I'm an ordained SDA pastor and have been working in church revitalization, secular evangelism, and Adventist mission for over a decade.
✅ I’ve pastored established churches and planted a church in my city designed from the ground up to reach secular and post-church people—so I don’t just talk about this, I’ve actually done the work.
✅ During my 10 years in local church work, I implemented the Story Church system with incredible results. No - I never built a megachurch because that is not what I am about. What I did was reignite local churches for mission, increasing member engagement, youth retention, and guest attendance/ baptisms every year.
✅ I’m a two-time Amazon Australia best-selling author—my Bible study guide specifically designed for secular seekers hit #1 twice, proving that engaging secular audiences is not impossible—it just requires the right approach.
✅ For the last 5 years, I’ve consistently trained SDA leaders in real-world strategies for church revitalization, youth retention, and evangelism that actually works in today’s culture—and been featured in multiple SDA sources including The Haystack, Ministry Magazine, Adventist Record, Lightbearers, AToday, Newbold College and more…
Best of all: I don’t teach impractical theory.
I don’t promote poetic solutions that sound cute but don’t move the needle in your local chuch.
I give real strategies, real implementation, and real results.
What The Story Church 90-Day Revival Bootcamp really is (and what it’s NOT!)
For decades, churches have been stuck in cycles of stagnation, decline, and frustration. They pray for revival. They try new programs. They bring in guest speakers. And yet—nothing changes.
Why? Because they’re building on myths.
The Story Church Blueprint shatters those myths and replaces them with a clear, actionable framework that creates real, lasting transformation.
MYTH #1: “Our Church Exists to Reach Everyone.”
TRUTH: If you try to reach everyone, you’ll reach no one.
Most churches have no clear mission. Ask them why they exist, and you’ll get the same vague answer: “To spread the gospel.” That’s like saying a business exists “to make money.” It’s meaningless.
Churches that don’t define their unique mission end up in survival mode. No focus. No strategy. No impact. Just coasting week to week, hoping something will change.
That’s why the first 30 days of the Story Church Blueprint are dedicated to fixing this. We identify your church’s specific, measurable calling—so that every sermon, event, and outreach is intentional and effective. No more aimless ministry.
MYTH #2: “If We Just Get More Baptisms, Our Church Will Grow.”
TRUTH: Baptism without discipleship is a revolving door.
Too many churches dunk and forget. Someone gets baptized, everyone claps, and then… what?
No discipleship. No training. No clear next step. And within months, that person disappears.
Churches will preach about evangelism and mission all day long, but without a step-by-step discipleship pathway, members stay stuck. They may want to grow, but they don’t know how.
That’s why the next 30 days are focused on building a real discipleship system—one that moves people from guest to missionary. No more passive churchgoers. No more vague encouragements to “get involved.” Just real steps that create real engagement.
MYTH #3: “We Don’t Need a Long-Term Plan—God Will Lead Us.”
TRUTH: God leads those who count the cost.
Churches don’t plan to fail. But they fail to plan. Jesus told His followers to count the cost before building. Yet most churches are running without a strategy.
They “trust the Spirit” while making it up as they go, calling last-minute decisions divine leading when in reality, it’s just poor leadership. Then they wonder why nothing changes.
In the final 30 days, we fix that. We create a 10-year plan—a real, measurable, testable strategy to move your church from irrelevance to impact. No more winging it. No more aimless programs. A clear, long-term vision that actually gets results.
But a warning…
This is not a church growth gimmick.
If you're looking for some trendy new fad to boost attendance for a few weeks, this isn't it.
If you have fantasies of becoming an SDA megachurch… this isn’t it either.
This is not a weekend program. It’s not something you run for a few days and then move on from. This is a full 90-day transformation system designed to create lasting change that goes well beyond the 90 days.
This is not a surface fix. Most churches slap new programs on top of old problems. This blueprint goes deep. It rebuilds your church from the foundation up so that everything—your mission, your discipleship, your strategy—is aligned and effective.
This is about real, long-term revival that impacts your city and makes disciples of Jesus.
Why you CANNOT afford to ignore this if your church is stuck in decline
According to the latest data, 47% of SDA churches in North America are either dead or dying.
The rest are plateauing…
And only 2% are actually thriving and multiplying.
If that doesn’t bother you then hey… You have my full permission to exit this page right now and go watch some Netflix (I hear “Squid Game” is pretty popular these days…)
But if those stats bother you then check this out:
Most churches in decline do what struggling churches always do:
…They run another revival series (that takes a ton of time and energy to organize).
…They pay a ton of money for a guest speaker (who gets everyone fired up for a week... and then leaves).
…They launch another program (that excites a few people but changes nothing).
And year after year, nothing actually changes.
Because the problem isn’t lack of effort. The problem is lack of strategy.
Dan Jackson, former president of the NAD, put it best when he wrote:
“Unfortunately, very few [Adventist] church leaders are skilled in strategic leadership. In a recent division wide survey... pastors rated their preparedness to do strategy dead last... As a result, the work suffers from fragmented efforts, botched opportunities, and poor accountability.” – Becoming a Mission Driven Church
Churches don’t fail because they stop trying. They fail because they keep trying the wrong things.
But Here’s The Hard Truth…
Decline isn’t neutral. It’s not something you can just wait out and hope things get better.
It gets worse.
The longer a church stays in decline, the harder it is to reverse.
❌ Momentum dies.
❌ Leaders get exhausted.
❌ Hope fades.
❌ Toxic personalities and a divisive culture takes over…
❌ And eventually, the doors close.
“47% Of Seventh-day Adventist churches in the North American Division are in decline and only 2% are experiencing growth.” – NAD Evangelism Institute
That’s why you cannot afford to ignore this.
Because your church is either growing or dying.
There is no middle ground.
The Story Church 90 Day Revival Bootcamp is about growing.
❌ Before the congregation shrinks beyond repair.
❌ Before the young families leave.
❌ Before the members lose hope.
This isn’t a theory. It’s a system. A system that I have used repeatedly among different churches to break out of stagnation and step into real, measurable, undeniable revival.
If your church is stuck, you have two choices:
Keep doing what you’ve been doing—and watch things stay the same.
Try something radically different—and finally see the shift you’ve been praying for.
How You Can Use The Story Church Blueprint to Radically Shift Your Church’s Trajectory in Just 90 Days
Imagine walking into your church three months from now and feeling the difference.
More visitors. More energy. More people actually engaging instead of just showing up.
Imagine seeing young people who were on the fence now leading. Guests who used to slip through the cracks now fully integrated into your church family. Leaders who were burned out now reignited with purpose.
That’s what the Story Church Blueprint is designed to do.
And the best part? We don’t waste time.
In just 90 days, you’ll take your church from “surviving” to thriving—with a clear sense of mission, a strategy that actually works, and a roadmap for long-term, unstoppable growth.
Here’s how it works:
Phase 1: Month 1 – Identifying Your WHO and WHY (Because A Church Without Purpose is a Church Without Power)
Week 1: Stop Trying to Reach Everyone (And Finally Reach Someone)
Most churches say, “We’re here to reach the whole community.” That’s a lie. If you try to reach everyone, you’ll reach no one. This week, we zero in on your specific, unique calling. Who is your church actually equipped to serve? What specific needs are in your city? When you get laser-focused, your impact explodes.
Week 2: The Hidden Identity of Your Church (And Why It’s the Key to Growth)
Your church isn’t just a building—it’s a story that God is telling. But do you even know what that story is? Most churches have no clue. This week, we uncover the unique DNA of your church, what makes it special, and how to amplify that identity in a way that draws people in like a magnet.
Week 3: Crafting a Mission That’s More Than Just Words on a Website
How many churches have mission statements that sound great but change nothing? Not yours. By the end of this week, you’ll have a mission that isn’t just a sentence—it’s a strategy that reshapes how your church operates and how your people live out their faith daily.
Week 4: Building Momentum With Quick Wins
Revival doesn’t come from talking about change—it comes from doing something different. This week, we get to work. You’ll implement one small but powerful shift that immediately sparks excitement and builds buy-in from your leaders and members. When people start seeing change, they start believing in change.
Phase 2: Month 2 – Developing Your 5-Step Discipleship Pathway (Because Dunk and Forget is a Death Sentence)
Week 5: From Spectators to Disciples—Designing a Clear Growth Track
Most churches baptize people and then hope for the best. That’s not discipleship. This week, we build a step-by-step journey that moves people from curious seekers to fully engaged disciple-makers. No more passive Christianity. Everyone has a next step.
Week 6: The Secret to Keeping New Believers From Falling Through the Cracks
Did you know that most people who leave the church do so within their first year? This week, we build a rock-solid retention system—so every person who walks through your doors feels seen, supported, and discipled into a life of active faith.
Week 7: How to Unlock Hidden Leaders in Your Church
Right now, your church is full of untapped potential—but no one has shown them how to use it. This week, we create a gifting & leadership activation system so that people aren’t just attending church—they’re building it.
Week 8: The Multiplication Effect—Turning Disciples into Disciple-Makers
A healthy church doesn’t just grow—it multiplies. This week, we structure your discipleship system to naturally reproduce itself. People won’t just learn about Jesus—they’ll be equipped to share Him, leading to exponential impact in your city.
Phase 3: Month 3 – Engineering Your 10-Year Plan (Because Churches Don’t Plan to Fail—They Fail to Plan)
Week 9: Stop Running Events—Start Running a Movement
Churches love busy work—running event after event, hoping something sticks. That’s not a strategy. This week, we stop thinking like event planners and start thinking like kingdom architects. We’ll map out exactly where your church will be 10 years from now—and build the plan to get there.
Week 10: Creating Clear Wins and Measurable Growth
If you can’t measure it, you can’t multiply it. This week, we define what success actually looks like. No more vague goals like “We want to grow.” Instead, we set concrete, measurable wins that tell us if we’re truly making an impact.
Week 11: The Playbook for a Church That Can’t Be Ignored
What if your church was so active, so engaged, and so influential that the city would notice if it disappeared? That’s the goal. This week, we develop a community impact plan so your church stops being invisible and starts becoming indispensable.
Week 12: Countdown to Launch—Executing the Revival Blueprint
This is it. The final stretch. By now, your church has a mission, a discipleship pathway, and a long-term vision. Now, we execute. We’ll solidify your launch strategy, get leadership fully aligned, and set the stage for a movement that lasts far beyond these 90 days.
Why You Don’t Actually Need to Get the Story Church Blueprint
Honestly? You probably don’t need to get this bootcamp.
Your church is totally fine the way it is.
Sure, maybe the pews are getting emptier… maybe young people are vanishing faster than an unclaimed potluck dish… maybe baptisms are something that happened “back in the day.”
But hey—why change what’s working?
If you’re happy with:
The same 20 people showing up to every meeting, wondering why nothing ever moves forward…
Leadership conversations that go in circles, with lots of great ideas but zero action...
Another year of “we should do more outreach” but no one actually doing anything…
A guest speaker who fires everyone up for three days, only for everything to go back to normal by next Sabbath…
A discipleship system so confusing that most new believers just fade into the background…
Then by all means—skip this bootcamp!
After all, who needs a clear strategy when you can just “trust the process” (even if the process hasn’t worked for years)?
And hey, if the church is struggling, there’s always prayer.
Just pray harder. Maybe revival will just magically happen.
But if you’re starting to suspect that maybe, just maybe, prayer and action aren’t opposites...
And if you’re tired of watching your church slowly decline while hoping something changes...
Then maybe it’s time to do something different.
Here’s A Recap Of All The Things You Get When You Join Today:
✅ A battle-tested, step-by-step system designed to radically transform your church in just 90 days—no fluff, no gimmicks, just practical, measurable steps that actually move the needle. (Valued at $2,000)
✅ The Church Clarity Audit to uncover why your church exists, who it’s meant to serve, and how to create a clear, compelling vision that gets people excited about the mission. (...Yours free)
✅ A leadership alignment process that finally gets everyone on the same page, eliminates frustrating boardroom debates, and sets the entire church up for mission-driven momentum. (...Yours free)
✅ The Discipleship Roadmap—so new believers don’t just disappear after baptism but actually grow, engage, and become leaders in the church. (Valued at $1700)
✅ A 10-year vision strategy to shift your church from “survival mode” to thriving, multiplying, and making a real impact in your city. (Valued at $1997)
✅ The Community Impact Blueprint, so your church becomes a presence your city can’t ignore—not by running more programs, but by transforming lives. (...Yours free)
✅ A retention framework that stops members from drifting and turns first-time guests into lifelong, engaged disciples. (...Yours free)
Monthly live coaching calls with me—so you get direct feedback, support, and troubleshooting when you need it most. (Value: $300… Yours Free)
✅ The Story Church Blueprint Guide—a PDF follow along guide for rebuilding momentum, re-engaging members, and reaching people in a post-pandemic world. (...Yours free)
✅ Guest Retention Masterclass—how to turn visitors into fully engaged, long-term members who are excited to be part of the mission. (Value: $800 …Yours Free)
So As You Can See…
The total value of EVERYTHING is $6,797!
BUT… I’m NOT going to charge you $6,797 today…
In fact, I’m not even going to charge you HALF of that…
Or half of THAT.
And not even half of THAT!!! 😮
So here’s the deal:
The official Story Church 90-Day Bootcamp goes live April 1st, 2025 (just a month away)
And right now, you can get in with early bird pricing.
When the program officially releases it will be priced at $1,297
But your earlybird investment for the FULL-BLOWN Story Church Blueprint…
PLUS all the incredible resources, training, and BONUSES mentioned above…
Is just $997 today.
Or you can spread it out over 4 easy payments of $299.
That’s it!
So Here's What To Do NOW:
Simply click the big yellow button below... (can’t miss it)
And then you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your purchase fast and hassle-free.
And once your payment clears, you’ll get immediate access to the program…
Remember, it doesn’t go live until April 1st. So don’t expect to find much until then. But you’ll still find lots of Free Bonuses in there so you aren’t staring at an empty screen for a month…
So if you want to lock it in with the early bird price…
Go ahead and get started right now by clicking the big yellow button below.
Join The Story Church 90-Day Revival Bootcamp Today!
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!
✅ A FULL 90-Day System that transforms your church from stagnant to thriving, with clear steps that create measurable, lasting impact.
✅ A Proven Discipleship Pathway that moves people from visitors to fully engaged disciples of Jesus—without confusion, inconsistency, or drop-offs.
✅ Practical Implementation Guides, Checklists, and Templates so you’re not just learning—you’re executing, with every step laid out for you.
✅ Lifetime Access to The Story Church Community where you can ask questions, get support, and connect with other churches on the same journey.
✅ Exclusive Bonuses including live coaching calls, deep-dive evangelism frameworks, and the 10-Year Transformation Plan that will set your church up for sustained mission success.
Start Now For Just 4 Easy Payments of $299
Pay in full now and save $199
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!
You're 100% Protected By A 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Either you see a dramatic shift in your church’s energy, engagement, and mission impact within 90 days of using The Story Church Blueprint…
…Or I will personally give you 100% of your money back.
That’s right.
I’m so confident this will be a game-changer for your church, I’m offering a FULL 90-day money-back guarantee.
Please note that this is NOT a quick-fix program.
It’s not another revival weekend, another conference hype session, or another set of theoretical sermons that excite people for a week and then fizzle out.
And you can’t expect your church to change if you don’t apply the steps I teach.
But if you DO follow the steps, implement what I teach, and take action…
I personally guarantee you’ll see results.
Otherwise, you don’t pay.
This is not a “done for you” system. I am going to work “with” you and together we will transform your church. If you are looking for an expert to come in and fix everything for you… good luck with that. I’m not your guy.
OH and one more thing…
Please note that this is not a fix for dysfunctional, toxic, or controlling churches.
If your church is riddled with interpersonal tension and strife, abusive leadership, and fundamentalist high-control systems… and you join this program hoping it will fix things… it won’t. Dysnfunctional churches don’t have a mission problem. They have an abuse problem. And that requires a whole other approach that goes beyond what this 90 Day Bootcamp offers.
If your church is ready to do something radical for the kingdom and is open to growth and change…
Join the Story Church 90-day Bootcamp and watch your church come alive again…
Or simply send me an email… show me you implemented the 3 phases of the program with no results… and I’ll give you 100% of your money back.
It’s that simple.
Hope to see you inside!
– Pastor Marcos
Join The Story Church 90-Day Revival Bootcamp Today!
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!
✅ A FULL 90-Day System that transforms your church from stagnant to thriving, with clear steps that create measurable, lasting impact.
✅ A Proven Discipleship Pathway that moves people from visitors to fully engaged disciples of Jesus—without confusion, inconsistency, or drop-offs.
✅ Practical Implementation Guides, Checklists, and Templates so you’re not just learning—you’re executing, with every step laid out for you.
✅ Lifetime Access to The Story Church Community where you can ask questions, get support, and connect with other churches on the same journey.
✅ Exclusive Bonuses including live coaching calls, deep-dive evangelism frameworks, and the 10-Year Transformation Plan that will set your church up for sustained mission success.
Start Now For Just 4 Easy Payments of $299
Pay in full now and save $199
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!
How’d You Like To See Your Church Come Alive in the Next 90 Days?
All you have to do is click the button above and get started today.
Since this letter is almost over, I don’t want to do the whole “Red Pill vs. Blue Pill” thing from The Matrix...
It’s way too overused at this point.
But the important thing is that right now, YOU NEED to decide something.
Because here’s the thing…
You can’t keep watching your church decline without it draining your soul.
You can’t keep running programs and hoping this will be the one that changes everything… only to see things stay exactly the same.
And you can’t keep telling yourself that if you just pray harder—if you just have one more revival, one more guest speaker, one more committee meeting—then the shift will come.
That has to stop.
At this point…
YOU KNOW that churches don’t just grow by accident.
The churches that are thriving have a clear, strategic, and intentional plan.
They don’t guess their way forward. They don’t try to reach “everyone” and end up reaching no one. They don’t just hope people will get involved.
They know exactly where they’re going and how to get there.
I’ve Done the Work for You
I “went back” in time to rediscover the timeless mission strategy of Jesus.
Dissected how the early church multiplied.
Reverse-engineered what actually made the Adventist movement explode in its early days.
Extracted the real, practical, mission-driven methods that built churches—not just filled pews.
And systematized it into one breakthrough, step-by-step system that works right now.
So it doesn’t matter if your church is:
🛑 A small rural congregation with only a handful of members
🛑 A city church trying to reach the secular and unchurched
🛑 A struggling congregation that has lost its youth
🛑 Or a church that’s been plateaued for years, unsure what’s next
Because once you discover this strategy, your church will finally stop spinning its wheels and start seeing real growth and impact.
And even if you’ve tried something before and it didn’t work…
That’s probably because someone sold you a quick-fix, hype-driven program that wasn’t designed for the unique structure of an Adventist church.
It’s NOT YOUR FAULT if your church has been misled by “church growth” gimmicks that sound great but don’t work long-term.
It IS your responsibility to do something about it.
And since you now understand that clarity, strategy, and structure are the real keys to church growth…
(especially today, when people are more disconnected from church than ever before)
You can’t afford to go back to “business as usual.”
The world isn’t slowing down.
Churches without a clear strategy are disappearing.
And those who don’t take action will be left behind.
So look…
You OWE It to Your Church to Give This a Risk-Free Shot
And banish the uncertainty, frustration, and exhaustion that comes with doing the same things over and over and seeing no results.
So why not give it a try?
I mean… what’s the worst that could happen?
You give it a shot… and if it doesn’t work, you get your money back.
Which is so much better than spending thousands organizing, booking flights and accommodation, and advertising for yet another hyped up weekend program with a guest speaker that you absolutely know isn’t going to change anything…
In other words, you can’t lose.
The ONLY way to lose is to do nothing and miss out on this truly risk-free opportunity.
The Story Church 90 Day Revival Bootcamp is the Most Effective, Battle-Tested Way To:
✅ Create a thriving church that engages every generation
✅ Clarify your church’s unique mission and calling
✅ Develop a clear discipleship pathway so no one falls through the cracks
✅ Activate a 10-year mission strategy that makes real impact in your city
✅ See more visitors, more baptisms, and more lives transformed
❌ You’ve tried to revive your church before and failed
❌ You feel like no one knows what the next step is
❌ Your church has been stuck in the same patterns for years
❌ You’ve been burned by past efforts that led to nothing
❌ You feel like “this is just how church is” and you’re tired
You must act now because otherwise, you’ll never experience the shift you’ve been praying for.
So get off the fence and give your church a chance TODAY.
Your church deserves this.
I’ll see you inside,
– Pastor Marcos
P.S. – If You’re Serious About Seeing Your Church Come Alive Again…
The Story Church Blueprint could be one of the wisest investments your church ever makes.
Simply choose to enroll, and you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your purchase quickly and easily.
Once your payment clears, you’ll get immediate access to the program…
PLUS all the bonuses, all the strategies, and all the practical tools to make this work in YOUR church.
I personally guarantee that this game-changing program will empower your church to:
✅ Reach and engage your community in ways you never thought possible
✅ See real growth—both spiritually and numerically
✅ Create a movement, not just another program
✅ Get your members excited about mission again
✅ Finally break out of stagnation and start thriving
And in the unlikely event that you don’t see the shift, simply email me after the 90 days, show me that you implemented the 3 phases with no results, and I’ll give you your money back.
Either way, you can’t lose.
So go ahead and get started now by clicking the button below.
Join The Story Church 90-Day Revival Bootcamp Today!
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!
✅ A FULL 90-Day System that transforms your church from stagnant to thriving, with clear steps that create measurable, lasting impact.
✅ A Proven Discipleship Pathway that moves people from visitors to fully engaged disciples of Jesus—without confusion, inconsistency, or drop-offs.
✅ Practical Implementation Guides, Checklists, and Templates so you’re not just learning—you’re executing, with every step laid out for you.
✅ Lifetime Access to The Story Church Community where you can ask questions, get support, and connect with other churches on the same journey.
✅ Exclusive Bonuses including live coaching calls, deep-dive evangelism frameworks, and the 10-Year Transformation Plan that will set your church up for sustained mission success.
Start Now For Just 4 Easy Payments of $299
Pay in full now and save $199
Program releases April 1st, 2025. Lock it in with Early Bird Pricing!