What if There Is A Simple Way, Backed by the Best Research & Scripture, to Reverse the “Youth Leaving Church” Trend For Good?

For Concerned Pastors, Parents & Leaders…

Download TSCP’s Newest Ebook To Discover the Radical New Framework That’s Transforming Disinterested Youth into Fully Committed Disciples of Jesus!

Is This Ebook for You?

  • For Concerned Pastors: You're passionate about seeing young people thrive in their faith, but you're tired of seeing them leave the church. You’ve tried everything in the book, but so far, nothing seems to work so you are willing to consider something totally different that goes beneath the conventional wisdom to get to the root of whats really going on.

  • For Worried Parents: You want your children to grow up with a strong faith, but you're worried about how many of them leave church despite all our best programs and efforts. You need a way to increase the likelihood your kids stay committed to their faith and become passionate disciples of Jesus.

  • For Leaders Looking for a Breakthrough: You're responsible for leading a church or ministry, and you're eager to see a new generation of young people rise up and take their place in the Kingdom. You need a radical new approach to reach and disciple them — one that goes deep, gets to the very core, and offers practical next steps.

Practical & Actionable Insights

  • Metaphors for Easy Reading: Engage with a simple but powerful metaphor that makes this complex conversation easy to understand, allowing you to absorb insights quickly and effortlessly.

  • Comprehensive Analysis Beyond Youth Ministry: Go beyond surface-level youth ministry strategies and explore the underlying issues that fuel church struggles, getting to the root of the problems.

  • Expert Insights from Renowned Researchers: Tap into the latest research and expertise from trusted organizations like Barna, Fuller Youth, and more, giving you confidence in the strategies and solutions you'll discover.

“The data is clear. The remnant is an endangered species.”

— David Trim, PhD. | Director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (SDA)

From the Desk of Pastor Marcos,

Hi! My name is Marcos. I’m an ordained SDA pastor based in Western Australia.

And for the last 10 years, I have been working with incredible young people with a vision for reaching new, emerging generations with the gospel…

But that sad reality is, our churches aren’t simply struggling to reach new generations who haven’t heard of Jesus before…

We are struggling to hold onto the ones we already have!

And we have been struggling for forever…

At least it feels that way.

As a lifelong SDA, I still remember guest speakers visiting my childhood church to talk about this very question.

I’m almost 40 now, and we’re still talking about it.

Despite all the books we’ve published, seminars we’ve held, sermons we’ve preached, cohorts we’ve participated in and thousands we have spent on rally’s and camps and research…

The youth are STILL leaving…

Why is this? And how do we stop it?

In this short ebook, I offer a new way of thinking about this challenge.

Because we can’t keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.

We have to go beneath the surface and ask the questions we aren’t asking,

…poke at the assumptions we hold dear

…and be willing to consider that youth ministry isn’t even the problem…

It’s the symptom…

And once we know the real problem, the true root cause of our endless youth exodus,

— we can finally take the necessary steps to create, innovate, and chart a new path forward.

So if you love your young people and hate seeing them walk out, often never to return…

You owe it to them and to you to download this Free ebook and give it a read.

With Love,
Pastor Marcos