After YEARS of Searching… This Explosive Insider Report Uncovers the Real Reason Young People Are Leaving the SDA Church—And It’s NOT What We Thought…

This Shocking Data No One’s Talking About Reveals the Hidden Crisis Driving the Next Generation Away… And the One Shift That Could Bring Them Back.

It All Starts With Something I Call: "The Faulty Frame Effect"

Pastor Marcos here.

And if you’re sick and tired of watching young people walk away from the church year after year, this is going to be the most important message you’ll ever read.


Because in this eye-opening report, you’ll discover a radically different way of understanding why youth are STILL leaving church… despite years of youth ministry efforts…

Its a simple, step-by-step breakdown that reveals exactly why we keep losing the next generation—and what we must do instead.

Without gimmicks.

Without hype.

And without blaming young people for their own disconnection.

Now look…

I know that’s a bold claim.

You’ve probably sat through countless sermons, strategy meetings, and youth conferences talking about this problem.

But after years of research, dedicated youth ministry experts have uncovered the hidden reason that almost no one talks about…

And once you see it, you’ll never look at youth ministry the same way again.

The Faulty Frame Effect: Why NOTHING We Do Is Working

Here’s the thing. I’m not a conservative. I’m the guy who loves loud music and can’t stand wearing a tie…

But when it comes to our youth retention problems I’ll be the first to admit,

Fun, loud, and exciting youth ministry events might be nice… but they don’t help the youth exodus.

See here’s what happens.

When young people are leaving, we automaticaly assume they need:

Better programs
Better worship styles
More exciting events
New speakers and youth pastors

So we pump money, time, and energy into more of that stuff…

But here’s the painful truth it took me a while to admit:


The above approach is what I call the “faulty frame effect”. The modern method of youth ministry is a frame… and we think the solution to our youth leaving is to improve that frame by,

  • making it more fun

  • making it more exciting

  • making it more cool

When the truth is, the entire frame is busted!

No amount of making the frame better is going to change anything.

We need a new frame!

Don’t believe me? The proof is in the pudding. After decades of youth ministry efforts, here is what one of the leading voices in youth ministry (Greg Stier) has to say:

“Youth ministry has a blown engine. We’re not talking a flat tire, a broken windshield wiper, or a busted headlight. We’re talking the core of youth ministry has seized up, like an engine with a thrown rod… more than 60 percent of young people raised in the church leave it in adulthood.”

And this isn’t just a broader evangelical problem. Its a crisis in Adventism too!

“The Archives, Statistics, and Research Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, reports a staggering 50–70 percent disengagement rate of post-high school individuals in the Global North.”—Ministry Magazine

So then, what do we do? Whats the solution?

It’s not about spending more money…

Or running better programs…

Or getting a new guest speaker in…

It’s about abandoning conventional wisdom & doing the one thing no one seems to be talking about…

And this is exactly what this insider report reveals (it will rock your world!)

Shocking New Findings You’ll Discover Inside the Report:

✔ Why both the traditional & progressive youth ministry model are set up to fail—and how to break the cycle without burning out, spending a ton of money, or splitting your church in half.
✔ How to build a church that young people actually want to be part of, invite their friends to, and commit their lives to.
✔ The one OFT-IGNORED solution that really works in engaging and retaining young people—backed by real-world data from Fuller Youth’s Growing Young Project, Barna, Natural Church Development, Sticky Faith and More!

Who Is This Game-Changing Report For?

💡 PASTORS & LEADERS – If you’ve tried everything and nothing is working, this report will show you what actually makes a difference.

💡 PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS – If you’re watching your kids check out of church and wondering why they’re not interested, this report will help you understand what’s happening and what you can do.

💡 CHURCH MEMBERS WHO LOVE THE YOUTH – If you’re heartbroken over the next generation leaving and want to be part of the solution, this report is for you.

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We don’t have time to waste.

Churches are closing.
Youth groups are shrinking.
An entire generation is quietly walking away.

That’s why I’m practically giving this groundbreaking report away—because this conversation is too important to ignore.

Normally $14. Get it for $1. One time Offer.

Hi, I'm Pastor Marcos…

And I have a feeling you probably know a little bit about me at this point.

However, in case you don’t know me that well… here’s a quick refresher.

✅ I'm an ordained SDA pastor and have been working in church revitalization, secular evangelism, and high-impact Adventist outreach for over a decade.

✅ I’ve planted a church in my city designed from the ground up to reach secular and post-church people—so I don’t just talk about this, I’ve actually done the work.

✅ I built a podcast that has reached over 100,000 listeners, diving deep into faith, deconstruction, and rebuilding a mission-driven Adventism for today.

✅ I’m a two-time Amazon Australia best-selling author—my Bible study guide specifically designed for secular seekers hit #1 twice, proving that engaging secular audiences is not impossible—it just requires the right approach.

✅ I’ve trained leaders in real-world strategies for church revitalization, youth retention, and evangelism that actually works in today’s culture—not just outdated methods repackaged with modern aesthetics.

I don’t teach theory.

I don’t promote poetic solutions that sound cute but don’t move the needle in your local chuch.

I give real strategies, real implementation, and real results.

If you’re serious about engaging the next generation, and building something that actually lasts, this industry-shaking report, “Why Are Young People STILL Leaving our Church?” is exactly what you are looking for.

What other incredible SDA voices have say about Pastor Marcos’ books and insights:

“Illuminating!” — Ty Gibson

“Mind Blown!” — Jasper Ivan Iturriaga

“Exciting!” — Clifford Goldstein

“Profound!” — Amy Turner

“Powerful!” — Shawn Brace

“Wow!” — Ivor Myers

Final Call—Don’t Wait!

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Discover the Radical New Framework that’s Transforming Disinterested Youth into Fully Committed Disciples of Jesus.

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🟢 Is this report just another generic take on youth ministry?
No. This report presents a simple but oft-ignored solution that goes against conventional wisdom. It exposes real reasons young people are leaving and provides a simple, practical pathway toward reversing the trend!

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No, this is a digital resource (PDF format) you can download instantly after purchase.

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