
At Pentecost, the early church was a disruptive force, challenging the status quo. But today, it's become a program within four walls, disconnected from its missional calling, feeling irrelevant, and losing its youth.

But the story isn't over.

God is stirring, His Spirit is at work, and a new generation is rising to reclaim the church's radical essence. In "hidden.", Pastor Marcos, a missional church planter, calls the church back to its true identity, revealing that the best is yet to come - and you and I are a part of it.

  • "This book should be mandatory reading for every church leader and member."

    Ivor Myers

  • “There were so many times my jaw dropped.”

    Shawn Brace

  • “So many ‘uhuh’ moments as Marcos profoundly unpacks scripture from Old Testament to New, to fan into flame the sheer joy of what it means to truly BE the church”

    Amy Turner

  • “It’s been a while since I read something that not only challenged me as a missionary but has put me on the edge of my seat. My mind is blown!”

    Jasper Ivan Itturiaga

  • “It is clear to see God’s intentional leading through every section of this book. It is pure fire!”

    Louise Gray