Workshops & Courses
Special Offer: Access every course for only $17 USD per month.
Losing My Religion
For new generations tired of religious hypocrisy, this trauma-informed audio series on the visions of Danieltakes on the church’s injustices head-on.
$21 USD
Earth 2.0
Tired of religion that ignores real-world issues? This social-justice-themed audio series unpacks Revelation in a way that speaks to new generations.
$21 USD
Missional Theology
Discover what it is that makes the Seventh-day Adventist Message so relevant in our secular world.
$45 USD
Postmodern Evangelism
Unravel the basics of post-modernism and how to contextualize the gospel to it’s anxieties and questions.
$45 USD
Metamodern Discipleship
Metamodernism is the new cultural zeitgeist. Learn what it is an how to disciple it’s emerging generations.
$45 USD
Posthuman Mission
Adventists are always 20 years behind. Let’s get 20 years ahead by exploing the coming tech-driven social revolution.
$65 USD
Missional Church Planting
Explore a new model of church planting for the local SDA church designed especially for secular, post-church engagement.
$250 USD
The Sphere of Influence
Learn the proven blueprint to share your message with millions, grow your audience, and impact the world.
$180 USD
Preach to Reach Workshops
This 3-part workshop series unlocks the art of preaching to todays distracted generations.
$125 USD