Deconstructing the Adventist Worship Wars, Feat. Maxwell Aka (TSCP Podinar, Season 5)
What if I told you that the "drums are evil, syncopation leads to sin, hymns-only" mentality so prevalent in our church today originates - not from a Biblical pursuit of holiness - but from sinful racist ideologies?
That in our misguided zeal for "being separate and holy" we have actually swung the doors wide open for the desecration of God's church through these politically driven agendas?
That these unbiblical beliefs are part of the reason our youth are leaving and our churches failing to reach their cities?
And, what if I told you there is a better way? A way in harmony with scripture, with the Spirit of Prophecy and with the character of God?
Introducing “Deconstructing the Adventist Worship Wars” Listen below (Or on Spotify, iTunes & Soundcloud).
Q&A Episode, Now Live!
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