Story Extras

This page contains resources and downloads for those exploring the book, “Story Church: How to Awaken Your Congregation’s World Changing Identity”.

If you do not yet have your own copy, you can get it here.

Are you a creative, innovative, and forward thinking Adventist with a passion for mission?

  • I recommend doing the Natural Church Development survey.

    For theological tools I have a number of other ebooks + a study guide in the book store.

  • Actually, yes! However, spots are extremely limited and it is not something I can do for free. But if you want to explore it more, tap here and book in a call so we can chat about how I can best support you.

  • I recommend another book I published last year titled, “hidden.” which you can get here.

    I also recommend jumping on my online school where I teach church planting for every day people. Tap here.